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15 Search Results

  • Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    The process in which we understand sensory information. Illusions are powerful examples of how we misinterpret sensory information and perceive information incorrectly. Get the word of the day delivered to your inbox © 1998- , All material within this site is the property of This material may not b... Read more

  • Perception Illusion definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    A perception illusion, a form of optical illusion, is a display that attempts to fool the senses. An example is the rotating barber pole signs that adorn barber shops. The pole has three colors that wrap around the sign. When rotated the sign gives the illusion of the stripes moving up or down the pole. Get the word of the day d... Read more

  • Self-Perception Theory definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Self-Perception Theory, proposed by Daryl Bem, suggests that people develop attitudes and opinions by observing their own behavior and drawing conclusions from it. This theory also downplays the role of internal thoughts and emotions in attitude formation. Let’s say, for example, that you are a fan of classical music. Acc... Read more

  • Face Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Face Perception refers to the skill of reading other people's emotions through their facial expressions. The human face, through an immense number of combinations of nerve and muscle movements, is capable of expressing a vast spectrum of information to others. You may remember that, when you were growing up, learning to use the ... Read more

  • Depth Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Depth perception is the ability to judge the distances of objects, which also allows us to see them in three dimensions. Obviously, images that strike the retina are two dimensional, but because our visual systems have the capacity to interpret stimuli in terms of relative depth, we see these objects not as flat, but as having s... Read more

  • Enemy Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Enemy perception describes the out group bias in which we perceive those who are against us. It commonly occurs in war and hostile social disagreements. People view the opposing side as being different, hostile, and generally bad. While positive and noble qualities (like loyal and heroic) are attributed to "our" side negative on... Read more

  • Person Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Person perception, or social perception, is the scientific study of how people form impressions and make inferences about other people. The four main components of social perception are observation, attribution, integration, and confirmation. Some of the things that influence perception are facial expressions, tone of voice, han... Read more

  • Social Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Social Perception is the process by which we form impressions of other people and make inferences about them. For example, on the first day of a new class, when the professor walks into the room, I may perceive him to be short, poorly dressed, and socially awkward; he may initially remind me of previous teacher I didn’t l... Read more

  • Visual Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Visual Perception, as part of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory, refers to the sense of sight and the information that is taken in through the eyes. However, given the wide-ranging and complex nature of the Integral Theory, this actually refers to incompleteness of what is perceived by the eyes and relayed to the mind without being i... Read more

  • Selective Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Selective perception is a cognitive bias that causes people to perceive what they want to from media messages. Advertisers and politicians count on this bias and frequently use ambiguous messages that consumers can interpret differently depending on their own experiences and leanings. An example of this could be seen listening t... Read more

  • Intermodal Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Intermodal perception is the coordinated perception of singular objects through several senses. This coordination and interaction of senses is believed to develop in early childhood and permits the individual to be able to see an object, while simultaneously being to hear, feel, smell through whichever senses are being stimulate... Read more

  • Cross-Modal Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Cross-modal perception occurs when two or more senses interact with each other. An example of cross-modal perception is synesthesia, a condition in which the stimulus of one sensory system leads to the involuntary response by another sense. People with synesthesia can 'hear' color or 'feel' noises. Another example of cross-modal... Read more

  • Extrasensory Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Extrasensory perception (ESP) is the perception of information not using the five physical senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell). It is having information that was acquired beyond the means of normal senses. Another term used is pre-cognition which is communication through processes that are currently mostly unexplain... Read more

  • Mirror-Image Perception definition | Psychology Glossary |

    Psychology Glossary

    Mirror-image perception is the human tendency to see oneself (especially while in the throes of conflict) as the opposite of the person with whom they are having a conflict. They are mutual and reciprocal views of others. For instance, two neighbors are having an argument about some disruptive neighborhood problem. In this case,... Read more

  • Sensation and Perception Class Notes

    Introduction Sensation and perception are vital parts of how we make contact with the outside world. Sensations can be defined as the passive process of bringing information from the outside world into the body and to the brain. The process is passive in the sense that we do not have to be consciously engaging in a "sensing" pro... Read more