Online Psychology Classes
Online psychology classes are becoming more popular and readily available all the time. It was only a few years ago that psychology classes weren't even available online - your only option was to go to a traditional college or university and sit in a classroom listening to the psychology instructor.
The internet has changed all of that and now, you can take a variety of online psychology classes from the comfort of your own home, often on your own schedule. Although people questioned the quality of classes being offered online at first, online courses are now widely accepted as a viable option to traditional classroom settings.
Whether you're a psychology major interested in a bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. in psychology, or just taking a psychology class for fun, online psychology classes are great options for just about any student.
Benefits of Online Psychology Classes
Some people will always prefer traditional classrooms, but there are many benefits of taking psychology classes online. Let's take a look at just a few of the benefits:
- Cost Effectiveness - In many cases, taking psychology classes online offers significant cost savings compared to brick and mortar schools. In addition to the cost savings of the class itself, you also save money (and significant time) by not having to commute, or pay for parking, or pay for gas, the bus, train, etc. Not only do you save money, you also save a lot of time by not having to commute back and forth.
- Flexibility - Taking classes online provides significantly more flexibility than traditional classes. Online psychology classes may be offered synchronously or asynchronously. In a synchronous class, students and the teacher login to a site at the same time, and experience the class at the same time. In an asynchronous class, all the students have exactly the same information, take the same testes, etc., but they take the course on their own time. In addition, if you have a computer, you can take the class online. This means that you can take the class from the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas after putting the kids to bed, sitting in a coffee shop, or while you travel around the world. Try doing that with a traditional class.
- Classes For Everyone - People often feel that psychology classes are not available to them if they're not a psychology major or registered as a full time student. Taking your classes online makes psychology classes available to everyone, from part-time students, to fulltime students, to those that just want to take a single course. It's also a great option if you're looking to advance your career by taking specific courses or doing continuing education.
- Speed - A benefit of online psychology classes that many people overlook is the speed with which you can complete the classes. Often times you can complete psychology classes (and degrees) online in much less time than traditional classes. This is a huge benefit to working students or those with families.

Are Online Psychology Classes For You?
I've had the privilege of experiencing both options at different psychology schools, and they really are great options - it just depends on your needs and preferences. I would urge you to explore the many options using our graduate school search engine, which even has an option to search for schools that offer psychology classes online.
I hope this information was helpful and that you have a better understanding of online psychology classes and the options available to you.