1. The Albert Ellis Institute
Well we couldn't have dreamed up a better way to start the list. Not only does this site come first alphabetically, but it is a great site. The site actually is Dr. Ellis' site. In fact, you can submit questions directly to the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapist himself. What, don't know what Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is? Well, according to the site authors, " Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is a humanistic, action-oriented approach to emotional growth, first articulated by Dr. Albert Ellis in 1955, which emphasizes individuals' capacity for creating their emotions; the ability to change and overcome the past by focusing on the present; and the power to choose and implement satisfying alternatives to current patterns." Sounds good. We recommend that you go to "The Essence of REBT..." page to get a really complete explanation and overview of this theory and all of its components. There isn't a better source than this. 
2. PsychCentral
Formerly known as Dr. Gohol's Mental Health Page, this site features updated articles and papers by Dr. Grohol, whose writings you may have read in publications such as "The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, the Washington Post, USA Today, The Village Voice, Business Week and dozens of other publications." Ok, so he is proud (and why not), but at least he does provide a great online resource. We recommend that you go to "Pageone" where you will find a host of interesting articles such as Martin Seligman's replies to several readers' questions about a Consumer Report article on Psychotherapy. Seligman covers a range of topics including methodological issues with Consumer Reports' methods of assessment. Another interesting article is "The Horror of HMOs". Some other areas of note are the list of "Patient rights", Unprofessional Practices",and the online depression and mania scales. And if you have questions, you can post it in the newsgroups or discuss it in the live chat areas. Not bad...not bad at all.
3. Self-Help & Psychology MAGAZINE
The author describes the site this way, "Self-Help & Psychology Magazine is an educational publication written by mental health professionals for the discussion of general psychology as applied to our everyday lives. It is
not intended to be any form of psychotherapy or a replacement for professional services." So why is it on this page? The reason is it is a non-scientific, easy to read and understand online magazine that covers a range of Psychological issues. You can't get specific therapeutic information or help here, but you will get a glimpse into how therapists deal with different problems, nice articles about topics we all like such as "Spicing Up" Your Sex Life, Stress Reducers, Relationships: Can This Relationship Be Saved, and more. There are also more "serious" issues covered such as Coping with Bulimia, Self-Help and Discussion, and Making Your Marriage Work. And there are the usual chat rooms, and discussions boards, and even a free newsletter that you can subscribe to. We also recommend that you go to the SH&P Resources Search Page where you can find information about specific topics offered by Self-Help & Psychology Magazine.
4. The Alfred Adler Institute of San Fransisco
We knew Adler was an important Psychological figure, but this is amazing. This site has an enormous amount of information about Adler...more than you can imagine. The institute is set up as a distance learning center, so there are lots of sections designed specifically to teach people about Adler, not just present information. There are areas for basic, fundamental principles of Adlerian Psychology, Philosophical and Theoretical components, Adlers perspectives and teachings on parenting, and even distance training in Adlerian Therapy. This site is all Adler. 
5. ABC's of "Internet Therapy"
This site is provided to help you learn about theories of therapy or important historical figures, but as a resource for getting online counseling if you or someone you know is in need. In addition, what better way is there for you to learn about how therapy is done than to see it in action. This is the newest medium for providing help, and many people are still not convinced that it is an appropriate means of helping. This issue is discussed right on the start page, so read this over before you head into any of the other, more specific areas. And if you are in need of immediate help, they make no attempt to keep you online. In fact, they recommend that you get off the computer and call a help line or other professional right away (they give methods for finding people near you. There are lots of online self-help sites, but we think this is one of the best places for online help anywhere.
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