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1. That's My Theory
This very cool site was developed by the Public Broadcasting Services and has a wealth of solid information. Plus, there are lots of fun things to do. For example, the link provided here takes you to the That's My Theory game with special guest Sigmund Freud, where you will meet three famous Psychologists who have masks in front of their faces. The object is to ask the Psychologists questions to determine who is Sigmund Freud. Once you know, click the answer button and see if you are right. You can also go to the People and Discoveries section where you will find a link to Human Behaviorism; click on it and you will get a list of some of the most famous Psychologists in history along with a time line of important events. When you select a Psychologist, you will get a nice overview of him or her, including a history, important dates and accomplishments, links to other Psychologists they are associated with, and more. This site is a lot of fun and very educational. Don't miss it! 
2. Personality: What Makes Us Who We Are?
Created by the Annenberg/CPB Project, this site covers the basics of personality and is presented within a organized and attractive site. There is a nice variety of personality topics covered such as Behavior, Thoughts & Feelings, The Unconscious, Genes & Society, and Human Nature. Once you go to a topical area (for example, The Unconscious), you will find a nice overview of the topic and basic premises and a link to an interactive test. Plus, there is a "Read more about this topic" section that provides more detailed information. This is a nice site and the information is presented very nicely. Check it out. 
3. Wynja Web Development Presents Personality and Consciousness
Beautiful and informative. That is the only way we can think of to describe this site. It is clear that the creators of this site are not newbies to website development. From this page you are given two drop-down menus; one to select books about different personality theorists and one to select which theorist you would like to learn about. We recommend that you only use the book menu if you are interested in purchasing some books, since the menu gives you lists of books from Amazon.com. Hmmm. We are not real happy about that, but the information areas compensate for this problem. When you select a theorist from the "info!" menu, you will be given either a short introduction to the theorist or a quote from them, and then a selection of different informational topics from which you can choose. For example, when you go to the Jung information page, you can get full text online books (must be downloaded), several online articles and papers about Jung and his theories, information on topics such as archetypes, active imagination, Jung's epitaphs, a variety of external links, and lots more. 
4. Personality Theories
You want personality theories, we got personality theories. This site is maintained by Dr. C. George Boeree, Professor of Psychology at Shippensburg University. There is no beating around the bush with this site; he simply lists the theorists right on the start page for you to choose. You just pick the one you want to know about, click on the link, and you get a comprehensive file about that theorist, including an introduction to the theorist, a bio, a thorough review of the theories, and then a discussion about the theories. It is clear that the author is a teacher, which is the main reason the site is listed here - it is educational! 
5. The Keirsey Character Sorter
This link will take you directly to an online personality test called the Keirsey Character Sorter. The test has two parts that take approximately 5-10 minutes each, after which your test will be scored and a complete personality profile will be presented. In addition, there are thorough descriptions and explanations of all the categories and scores. Is the test valid? That is a good questions. Take a look at the site, give the test a try, and see what you think. 
6. Self Injury
If you have never heard of this, or think that people would never do anything physically damaging to themselves on purpose, you should visit this site. As the author, a self-injurer herself explains, "If the whole concept of a disorder in which people deliberately inflict physical harm on themselves confuses you, or if you've been doing this for a while and never realized that it's recognized as a valid psychological problem all by itself, then this page is a good place to start learning about self-injury...Self-injurious behavior does not necessarily mean you were an abused child. It usually indicates that somewhere along the line, you didn't learn good ways of coping with overwhelming feelings. You're not a disgusting sicko; you're undereducated. My intent in these pages is to educate, to inform and, most of all, to help those who hurt themselves understand that they're not crazy or freaks or evil. They're human, people in pain who have developed a coping mechanism that, while maladaptive in terms of the "real" world, works for them." If you are faint at heart or narrow minded, skip this site. Otherwise, this topic and the site are fascinating. 
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