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1. The Noam Chomsky Archive
Noam Chomsky is often referred to as the most influential Psychological figure in the field of language. His contributions to our understanding of language is remarkable, and this site is basically a shrine to him and his work. In this site you will find, "...full text to many of Chomsky's major works, the complete audio to several important lectures, and numerous articles, interviews and speeches. Also included is an online forum where you can ask Noam questions and interact with others in the extensive ZNet online community." While we don't think the entire site is fantastic (it gets to be a little too much gushing for us at some points), we do think it is worthwhile, and especially like the "Interviews & Talks" section. 
3. The Internet Anagram Server
The AlleyDog.com team member who found this page described it this way, "I am not sure what this site has to do with Psychology at all, but this is AWESOME!" We couldn't agree more. We really aren't sure, but we like it. Give it a shot, and if you can tell us the relationship with language and Psychology, we would really appreciate it. And if you don't know what an anagram is, don't worry, there is a page within the site that explains it all. Enjoy! 
4. The Beginnings of Literacy
This link will take to a single article about the development of language and literacy in children. It was written by Joan Brooks McLane and Gillian Dowley McNamee from the Erikson Institute for the Zero To Three website. The article is very interesting, tying some basic principles of language with socialization, literacy, reading, writing, and more. This is not the place to find a variety of language or linguistic-related information, but it will give you a nice look into how we become literate and how literacy is tied into different aspects of our lives. 
5. Are Twins Delayed In Language Development?
Do we need to tell you what this site is all about? We didn't think so. What we will tell you is that this is an online article written by Jennifer Ganger, addressing the MIT Twin Studies. We could not find a lot of information about Jennifer Ganger (the link to her from the site was not functioning), so we are not really sure what her involvement with the study was or what her credentials are. Her own description is this: " What I want to present here is a review of conclusions from some papers I looked through when I was trying to settle the issue of whether studies on language development in twins are "generalizable" to the non-twin population. That is, whether or not twins are significantly different from the non-twin population with respect to language." You will have to come to your own conclusions about the author, but what we can say is that she has provided a very interesting article about a fascinating topic. You'll be particularly interested if you are a twin.
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