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1. Internet Mental Health
Created by Canadian Psychiatrist, Dr. Philip Long, The Internet Mental Health site is an online encyclopedia of mental disorders, treatments, research, an online mental health magazine, and diagnostic tools. The information is very comprehensive and well organized. Plus there are some nice additions to this site that you won't find many places. For example, if English is not your first language, you can click on the "translate" button and convert the entire site into French, German, Portuguese, or Spanish (pretty impressive). If you want to know about the field of Clinical Psychology or Mental Health, this is the site for you. 
2. Bipolar Disorder by the Mental Health Infosource's
Sponsored by the Mental Health Infosource, the Bipolar Disorder Information Center offers facts and specifics about Bipolar Disorder, a Bipolar Disorder Newsletter, information sections about treatment and support. Plus, there are interactive sections like a Bipolar chat forum, and an Ask the Bipolar Expert section in which well known Bipolar Experts such as Charles Bowden, M.D., and Ron Pies, M.D. The Ask the Bipolar Expert lets you submit your own questions or you can read archived questions and answers about all sorts of issues related to Bipolar Disorder. 
3. Schizophrenia.com
The name says it all. This site is a great source of information about schizophrenia, what it is, its causes, treatment, diagnosis, medications, support groups, success stories, and much, much, more. Most of the information is provided within the site, but there are quite a few external links. The site creator, John Chiko, identifies most of these external links, but there are quite a few that are not marked. Regardless, there is so much solid information here that we felt it deserves to be included on the list. There are also several interactive chat and message areas that really help if you need to ask some questions or want to discuss schizophrenia related issues with experts or people who have first hand experience with the disorder. 
4. Psychology Information Online
Donald Frinklin, a licensed Psychologist created a wonderfully informative site about Psychology, Psychological disorders, and treatments. The nice parts about this site are that you can get most of the information within the site, that the site covers a wide range of Psychological issues (with a focus on clinical issues), and that the information is complete and easy to understand (it is not written only for professionals). I especially recommend the Alphabetical List of Topics on This Site area which you can go to directly by clicking here. There you can start your quest to finding out about almost any disorder you can think of. It is not the most beautiful site you will see on this list, but it is as complete as anything we found. Give it a shot. 
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