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1. SleepNet: Everything you wanted to know about sleep disorders but were too tired to ask
If you are looking for a comprehensive site about sleep, sleep disorders, and everything else related to sleep, this is your site. SleepNet really is, in our opinion, the best place to start on the web if you are looking for sleep related information. While the site contains an extensive list of external links (all of which are reviewed and given a rating within the site), there is also a plethora of information within SleepNet itself. There you will find information on disorders such as apnea, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome, information on sleep deprivation and sleep deprivation studies, support groups, research labs across the web, and lots more. There are also many forums in which you can discuss sleep topics with peers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and even sleep researchers. Plus, there are bulletin boards to post questions - you may even receive an answer from a well known sleep researchers around. This truly is an informative site. 
2. The Doctor's Office
This one page site (I guess you could say, this page) is provided by All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida and contains very informative sections on sleep disorders in children, night criers and night feeders, sleep problems in older children, and night terrors and nightmares. If you are looking for information about sleep and children, this is a good place to start. It will give you the basic knowledge you need to understand some of the different sleep-related issues children face. 
3. The Dream Emporium
The Dream Emporium, as the name implies, is a site dedicated to dreams, not sleep (so please do not go there if you are looking for theories about sleep as a construct), but dreams. The author of the site described it to us this way. The Dream emporium "was created out of a desire to help people both understand their dreams and pique their interest in the subject so that when they left my site, they would take with them a desire to learn more." This is a great goal and one that, we think, has been achieved. In a previous review of this site, we harped on the aesthetics of this site; we pointed out several aesthetic aspects of the site that we did not like and thought detracted from the site. We are not saying that we now like the look of the site completely, but we realize that, by focusing on the look, we failed to acknowledge why the site made it onto our list of the best dream-related sites on the web; the site has great content, and that is what it's all about. The site contains a wealth of information about dreams, including personal accounts of dream types, dream content, nightmares, sleepwalking, dream interpretation, and more. Plus, the site offers contests, email and newsgroups, lists of ezines and other publications on dreams. Our favorite part of the page is the lucid dreaming section. It is not the most elaborate or extensive area of the site, but it is very interesting. In addition, the author plans on expanding the FAQ area which will improve the site even more. It is important to note that dreams are subjective, and the site reflects this with many personal accounts (and who doesn't like reading about other people's dreams or writing about their own) of dreams, nightmares, and all sorts of interesting topics. One final note...from the few correspondences we have had with the author of the Dream Emporium, it is clear that the site was developed, and is maintained, with the reader in mind. The author is passionate about providing an interesting, fun, and informative site about a fun and interesting topic...Dreams! Give this one a shot. 
4. Papers On Consciousness
OK, we admit that this site might be far too excessive for an Introductory Psychology student, but my goodness...it has so much that we felt it had to be included. The site, which is maintained by David Chalmers contains 483 papers on all sorts of perspectives and topics within Consciousness. There are recent papers, classics (even some from William James himself), philosophical papers, research papers, all kinds of papers on consciousness. And if you have your own, send it in for consideration. It would be a nice honor to have one of your papers listed along side one (or several) of the greatest Psychologists in history. 
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