Industrial and Organizational Psychology Degrees

Industrial and Organizational Psychology Degrees - there are several types of degree options within industrial and organizational psychology. You can obtain an undergraduate degree as well as a Master's and Ph.D. The types of jobs and salary that are open to you will depend on the type of degree that you obtain.

Information and theories from many different disciplines are used in industrial and organizational psychology. You will need to learn theories from social psychology, marketing and advertising.

Graduate degree programs in industrial and organizational psychology are extremely competitive. You will need to have excellent grades from your undergraduate program and outstanding letters of recommendations when applying for a graduate degree in industrial and organizational psychology.

Any extra curricular activities related to industrial and organizational psychology will help. If you have the opportunity to work with one of your instructors on related projects, you should strongly consider it.

Studying industrial and organizational psychology will teach you a variety of different skills related to human behavior and the workplace. You'll become very familiar with theories of human organizations as well as the current research in the field of industrial and organizational psychology will be taught.

You will also learn the skills to develop and conduct research in order to increase the general knowledge of industrial and organizational psychology as well as improve productivity within specific companies.

The ability to develop and administer surveys is another skill that you will learn. You will be able to develop surveys that provide important information and minimize bias.

The ability to develop and conduct training, help in personnel selection, as well as increase employee motivation are examples of other skills you will learn as you study for an industrial and organizational psychology degree.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology Degrees: What to look for

Industrial and organizational psychology degrees are available from a number of universities. There are a number of issues that need to be considered when it comes to deciding which industrial and organizational psychology program is the most appropriate.

Some factors to consider include the student attrition rate as well as the number of graduates finding and holding jobs within the industrial and organizational psychology field. You may also want to ask for information relating to student satisfaction, opportunities for student and faculty interaction (research, etc.) as well as interaction with other students.

You should also ensure that the industrial and organizational psychology curriculum conforms to any license requirements. Some licensing boards require actual attendance in a classroom setting as well as a completed internship. Other issues to consider include looking at the methods used to teach not only the knowledge pertaining to industrial and organizational psychology but the skills necessary to successfully perform the job.

Industrial and organizational psychology skills may be taught through developing and conducting research as well as working with various groups. You may also be expected to complete an internship.

You may also want to consider whether the school allows you to take courses in the business school. Business courses related to industrial and organizational psychology school may help you when it comes to working within the field and have a better sense of how the theories relate to the actual operations of business.

There are a number of choices available to someone who wants to pursue an industrial and organizational psychology degree. You will be able to choose the industrial and organizational psychology school that is best for you through careful consideration and some investigative work.

Additional Information

If you want to search for industrial and organizational psychology degrees, don't forget to search for psychology schools in our graduate psychology school search.